My name is Jan Engels-Smith, and I want to welcome you to my new video teaching series, Through the Rabbit Hole Video Teaching Series.
Years ago, the spirits told me that we see less than 1% of what is around us. Recently, quantum physicists confirmed what I was told by the spirits, finding that we actually see less than .01% of what surrounds us. Shamans have known for thousands of years that worlds and non-physical beings exist that are unseen to our eyes, but not to our knowingness.
So how do they access those worlds? Through the shamanic journey technique.
The shamanic journey is a remarkably simple, yet powerful tool that brings those unseen worlds and non-physical beings to life. My video series teaches the beginning place for an experiential transformation that will help you shift your dreams, your purpose, and your longings, by getting in touch with what is provided from the other 99% of what exists.
Journeying is the foundational tool for shamanic study and healing, and provides the passageway used for centuries to obtain information from other realities. Using the journey process, you will begin to build a partnership with the spirits, as you connect with power animals and spiritual teachers and masters. They share information, knowledge, and wisdom for:
solving problems
gaining clarity about life’s circumstances
for building your awareness and understanding of the different worlds beyond our current reality
In this course, you will also explore a central theme of “who are you?” This theme launches you on a potent and essential shamanic inquiry – the quest for your true self. Journeys on this theme lead you on a magical and intentional discovery of self, in relation to the spirits and the divine.
Using the shamanic journey technique, you are guided to a remembering of your radiance.
How You Can Access This Profound Video Series
Basic Shamanic Journey Energy Medicine Program
In this introductory Basic Shamanic Journey Energy Medicine Program you’ll receive:
LightSong’s seven highly interactive classroom instructional videos described above, taught by world-renowned shamanic teacher and healer, Jan Engels-Smith ($397 value).
You’ll also receive Jan’s inspirational book, “Through the Rabbit Hole,” to further your knowledge and provide added insight ($20 value).
As part of ensuring you have a supported experience, you’ll also have access to our exclusive LightSong community forum, where we interact, share tips, and create conversations based on the material we are learning ($200 value).
Total value: $617
Your cost: $397
Beyond the Journey Program
Transcend your practice with a more personalized, in-depth learning experience. We’re excited to offer our “Beyond the Journey” program, which has some exclusive bonus materials, including:
Everything provided in “Basic Shamanic Journey Energy Medicine Program” (value $617)
Jan’s shamanic drumming mp3 ($15 value)
Mp3 exclusive offer of Jan’s guided meditation CD, “The Brilliance of You” from her Awaken/Unburden/Create 3-CD series ($30 value)
Guided “Calling In The Spirits” mp3 (value $25)
SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER: If you choose to go “Beyond the Journey” you’ll also receive a personal 1-hour telephone or Skype coaching session with Jan Engels-Smith. ($300 value)
Total value: $987
Your cost: $697
Are you ready to jump “Through the Rabbit Hole”?
Here’s what you will learn when you do:
Video #1: Welcome…
In this video, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of Shamanic practices and how they can transform your life. You will learn…
How accessing your right brain while living in a left brain world can open up the infinite wisdom of spirit, and expand your universal knowingness
The practical methods for calling in the spirit allies to start building a relationship that will help support your as you navigate through life
How using the shamanic journey techniques can heal you, your community, and the world
Video #2: Importance of Preparation
In this video, you will learn about blessings, rituals, and ceremonies and why it’s important to prepare for your journey experiences. You will learn:
The significance of ceremony to prepare you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for your journeys
How to set an altar, and why creating a portal is important for accessing the spirit realms
How to use blessings, rituals, and ceremony to empower your efforts
Video #3: Your Power Animal and other Allies
In Shamanism, animals offer a direct conduit to the spirit world. Have you ever wondered what power animal allies and protects you? In this lesson you’ll:
Explore the Lower World of the spirit realms to find wisdom and gifts from animal spirit allies
Discover your unique power animal and the medicine and magic it can provide you as you explore the spirit world realms
Learn how to strengthen your relationship with your spirit allies to deepen your spiritual experiences and find more answers to your life questions
Video #4: Connecting with Teachers and Masters in the Upper World
The more you use the techniques in this course, the more support you will find from the unseen support that guides you. In this lesson you’ll:
Learn how to travel to the Upper World to connect with the teachers and masters who are your co-creators
Discover your unique spiritual teacher, and the special messages, gifts, or healing they will give you
Learn how your spiritual teachers and masters can help deepen you awareness to co-create beauty, wisdom, and fulfillment
Video #5: Learning To Trust
As you travel to new realms, thoughts of doubt related to these new experiences will inevitably arise. In this lesson you’ll:
Examine your reactions to these new experiences so that you can learn to trust you and your spirit allies, and the wisdom from both
Journey for other people through a guided exercise to help you trust your experience
Learn specific exercises that will solidify your understanding and validate your spiritual truth
Video #6: Who Are You?
Since the beginning of time human beings have contemplated the nature of the soul. This lesson will help you discover your soul, and what your soul encompasses. This lesson will:
Help you see who you truly are so that you can break free from your mind’s perception of yourself and open up to a new vision of the brilliance of who you really are
Teach you to discern the aspects of you that transcend time and space, and are free from judgment
Use guided exercises to help you create self-connection and clarity
Video #7: Exercises to Open Your Heart
Together, your experience, your knowledge, and your new connection with spirit brings a brighter, clearer, and deeper appreciation for your unique divinity and empowers you to live a vibrant, connected life full of joy and love. In this final lesson you’ll:
Participate in the ancient metaphysical exercise of “scrying” and witness past lifetimes to gain new insights to current life perspectives
Discover more about your inner essence through an “automatic writing” exercise
Build your sense of self and well-being through an “I Am” exercise that will leave you with a beautiful perspective of what it means to love yourself
The learning series concludes with a song and drumming circle ceremony.
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